Principal’S message

Dear P.S. 131 Families,

It is my honor and pleasure to welcome you to the 2024-2025 school year! I am extremely proud to serve as the Principal of this amazing community for the 5th year and to continue to support the students of Borough Park/Sunset Park. Our theme this year is "If you can reach them, you can teach them". If we get to know our students well, and leverage their strengths, we can create the conditions needed for each child to explore their full potential. With that said, P.S. 131 couldn't be more ready!

I would like to welcome all our new families. We are so excited to share all that P.S. 131 has to offer with you. P.S. 131 is a special place for all children. We have a new website and for the first time ever a new app!

Our dedicated staff has been working tirelessly to finalize classes, fine tune our instructional models, engage in Professional Learning, all with the goal of fostering academic success. Our primary goal is to ensure student proficiency in all subject areas. We will continue to refine Tier 1 instruction, analyze data, conduct observations and provide appropriate interventions. We will focus on The Science of Reading and Phonics based Learning, Project Based Learning, responsive classroom community building techniques, restorative justice practices and social and emotional support strategies into our daily school experience. Our goal is to create a solid foundation for all our students so that they have the opportunity to become self directed learners, critical thinkers and responsible citizens.

As always, we look to our families to be positive partners in this year's journey. Our priority is working together as a caring and compassionate learning community with professionalism, teamwork, action and expertiese. Our entire staff will hold weekly parent outreach to ensure collaboration.

Once again, welcome Back! This is going to be an amazing year!

Principal Hatzimichalis
